Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.
Why do the nations say, "Where is their God?"
Our God is in heaven, God does whatever pleases God.
Psalm 115:1-3 NIV
Delight yourself in the LORD, and the LORD will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4NIV
drove all night to get to Atlanta, and we arrived at the brand new Primerica Home Office, located at 1 Primerica Parkway, Duluth GA at 8:30am. Although we had emailed (late) about getting onto a tour, we realized that what would end up happening in practice was the home office tour staff being gracious to us and letting us join an existing, overfull, convention-week tour on the premise that there are just three of us, after all, and our fabulous home office staff really bends over backwards to accomodate the field force. But God had bigger plans for us.
Upon our arrival, the first tour of the day was just being herded into the Art and Angela Williams theater. It was a little bitty tour because one busload was running late and another busload was hopelessly stuck in traffic. So accomodating us was no problem at all.

Kim from Tours, (also from Promotions and Recognition) says that usually in Convention week, about 6000 people come thru the Home Office on tours, and that they had reservations already for 3200+ three different days this week (bear in mind that Convention doesn't start until this evening) with the expectation of 7-800 more drop-ins (like us!) and she had pulled in 60-70 Home Office volunteers. She says that she's really on the "field" end of things and she loves seeing home office people interact with the field force and get to know what it's like on the crusade end of the company.
We trooped thru department after department of our staff (how cool is it to have thousands of people on your staff but not on your payroll?), many of which were virtually empty due to people being onsite for Convention, and although Rick was hard at work on a conference call and wasn't available to chat with us, Glenn was more than happy to press the flesh and give hugs all around our tour group. (He says that is in part because we were the first tour of the day -- by day's end he's more on the "wave towards you" end of his energy.)

Julie Seaman's office was my favorite, particularly one print.

right photo, source:
etsy designsbyNicolina
The whole place really is designed to sell the dream and allow us to imagine bigger, dream bigger.
From the displays of our leaders and heroes and history:

To the Wall of Fame, which includes some recent and some less-recent photos of past company MVPs.

And we love how accessible our leadership is, including a personal hero of mine, Cheryl Bartlett, who we stalked down from the tour following ours. (And perhaps God is nudging us towards Canada because on our tour were Arleigh and Fern Larson, and since then we are seeing them EVERYwhere.)

The single neatest interactive (in a Home Office full of touchscreens and displays and videos and stories) was an image of a Convention high-five line onstage at the Georgia Dome, in which you and your partner or your team could pick up an MVP trophy and take a short video! There was some serious time delay in how it processed the photos, but that allowed for stills as well:

Here's the video of Big Frog and me at the Home Office, at the tail end of the Imagine tour, visioning ourselves as company MVPs!
Later, taking our credentials and our workbook coupons to check in, our teammate went to add a workshop to her slate of activities. She added Women's, and the clerk gave her not one but three workshop passes! So she was able to (after overcoming her not-want to go alone) swap women's #2 for Hispanic, and also women's #3 for Partnership!
Also, shhhhhhh... The Future was less-well-guarded than we expected, so we were able to catch the back half of that as well... my personal takeaway there is that I'm sick and tired of having to sneak into meetings. My misgivings about myself notwithstanding, I'm good enough because I have a
great big wonderful God!
If we are faithful in the little things, God will bless us full and overflowing!
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