Friday, July 28, 2017

Curling in Charlotte?!

TIL you can take a 2h Learn to Curl class in Charlotte!

Yelper Jess L (whom I don't know personally) says about it, "Have you ever woken up one morning and been like "Hm, I wonder what olympic sport I'll try today?" and then you think of the most random sport you could think of and you research where you can learn it..."

This we gotta try!  Curl away, Big Frog!

Monday, July 24, 2017

What the HELL is a Hufflepuff?

If you haven't watched A Very Potter Musical on YouTube, you should.  It's a full-length fan-made fanfic musical by UofM (Michigan) kids led by Darren Criss, who has since found fame on Glee and recently on Broadway, but who definitely was discovered because he wrote and composed AVPM, and starred as Harry Potter.  It has also two immediate YouTube sequels.

One of its many quotable lines is Dumbledore on sorting new students into the houses:
photo source: Tumblr

And with Harry Potter's (& JK Rowling's) birthday coming up this week, Bookmarks, like all good indie bookstores staffed by Potterphiles, is hosting a birthday party and encouraging dressing up.  But I don't HAVE any wearables from that fandom, except for my Super Megafoxy Awesome Hot tee, which if you don't know that quote, you didn't watch AVPM yet.

But fortunately, in last week's Central Carolina Yarn Crawl, I acquired some lovely chunky yellow wool as a door prize.  I wound it and searched the internet for yarn flowers.

My first attempt failed for scale.  I'm sure it's a lovely pattern but in bulky yarn this was just huge, and this pic was taken at 4 1/2 rows into an 8-row monstrosity.

I ended up modifying this double-layer chain flower to have its second layer slip-stitched onto the DCs of the first layer instead of being two separate flowers sewn together.  And I unpicked the enormous multilayered stacked one outright.

I'm ready for the party now.
Go team Badger.

PS Here's a Hufflepuff episode of Emily McGovern's My Life as a Background Slytherin.

source: My Life as a Background Slytherin

Also, for no particular reason, my favorite of all the Background Slytherin comics:

Sunday, July 23, 2017

At the New Lowe's

Anywhere in the US you go to Lowe's and get hardware.  Or lumber.  Or power tools.  Or if you're me, paint.

But in NC there's a grocery store chain, I believe locally owned, also called Lowe's.  Lowe's Foods.

And today I looked up from the seating section by prepared foods and realized something.

Me: Is that a bear with antlers?
Big Frog: Of course.  It's not a bear den and it's not a deer den.  It's a beer den.